Get Help With Your Proposal

Find Support for Your Research

Get help developing your ideas and advancing your scholarship. The offices below work closely with one another and with college and unit-level research offices to help you navigate the many resources that support sponsored research activities at Illinois.


Office of Proposal Development

The Office of Proposal Development works with members of the Illinois research community to support large-scale, interdisciplinary projects, respond to grant announcements of strategic importance to the campus, and foster campus-wide community among those involved in research development. 

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Researcher using a computer

Office of Research Advising and Project Development

RAPD provides workshops, consultation, one-on-one support, and other services to help faculty in the humanities, arts, and social sciences advance their research goals. 

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A dance group

Office of Foundation Relations

The Office of Foundation Relations (OFR) at UIUC is a campuswide resource for faculty and administrators seeking to advance relationships with national and selected regional private foundations. As each foundation is different, OFR can guide you through their processes and campus processes, as needed.

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Office of Foundation Relations staff

Center for Social and Behavioral Science

The Center for Social and Behavioral Science (CSBS) serves the social and behavioral science community at Illinois by delivering training opportunities for researchers and by providing institutional infrastructure to help social and behavioral scientists conduct high-impact research.

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Administrators talking in a group

Interdisciplinary Health Sciences Institute

With diverse scientific backgrounds, our team of research development professionals directly support Illinois investigators pursuing various types of health-related research grants. These partnerships build our campus research portfolio and create pathways for large, multi-PI grants and centers.

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Researchers having a discussion

Resources for New Faculty

Whether you’re looking for funding or collaborators or need help navigating the sponsored project lifecycle, there are many department, college and campus resources to help.