This Week in Illinois Research

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“This Week in Illinois Research” is a weekly communication for the campus research community, from the Vice Chancellor for Research & Innovation Susan Martinis. 

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"Singing" with the Stars

From the Vice Chancellor for Research and Innovation

It can be intimidating to think about performing in front of a "superstar"—and when the topic is advancing the understanding of neurodiversity, and the star is alumna Temple Grandin, the pressure is really on! Temple, known for her work in the seemingly divergent fields of animal science and autism education, participated in a recent panel discussion at the Beckman Institute to mark World Autism Month. Organized by Laura Hetrick, panelists Tracey WszalekStephanie CemanNien-Pei TsaiMarie Channell, and Amy Cohen highlighted the complexity of autism through molecular, cellular, social, and education research, while Temple offered insightful, in-the-moment commentary and observations. As Amy noted, presenting her work from the Illinois Autism Clinic before Temple Grandin was like singing in front of Taylor Swift! 

Laura reflected that we are only going to move forward in understanding autism, how it works, and what it can be by bringing all voices and perspectives to the table. The panel's truly generative dialogue was a powerful example of how faculty across different disciplines, and with neurodivergent minds, can collaborate with great impact—in ways that benefit our campus, our communities, and beyond. 



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